
sometimes I wonder if I'm ever gunna make it home again (Paris)

oh so totally true.

First the good news: Jayne is being discharged tomorrow! We have booked into a hotel with disabled facilities - that means a real shower and no stairs, for the next 2 days.

The no news: The insurance peeps are saying that to fly home Jayne needs to have the cast split. A couple of doctors have said, "mais oui" and a couple of others have said, "non, non, non". At this point no-one has consulted the surgeon. Apparently they opted for screws and not a plate because that plus the cast provides the best stability.

Just to confound matters, no-one at the hospital answers the phone so the insurance people from Oz (whom I couldn't recommend more highly, I'll name the company when they confirm that I am flying Business with Jayne) haven't been able to speak any of the doctors. I'm uncertain as to whether that is a positive or a negative.

So once again we are in no-person's land. In typical fashion, everyone has an opinion and no-one is willing to over-rule the other. So, nothing happens. At one point we thought we were faced with a 6 week wait in a hotel room. Things look a little better than that, but Jayne and I spoke with the same person and came away with two different perceptions. At this stage, she is hoping I am right (you won't see that written again).

For me, at least, I have part of a weekend in Paris, so it will be off to the St Ouen markets. I might even break the camera out and take a few snaps too.

Stay bat-tuned.

A song to finish? from one of the best voices Oz has produced, "One is the loneliest number". What? Oh Google it kids, although he did not do the original.


  1. Dear Jayne and Brad,
    So sorry to hear about the accident, Jayne- hope that you make a speedy recovery. I have loved reading about your holiday. Hope the trip home is in comfort.

  2. Thanks Del. It's been a tad challenging. Still having an arm wrestle with the insurance company who think I should fly economy and that Jayne will be fine to look after herself in business. It's not easy, because since Tuesday we have dealt with 5 different people.

    See you soon.
